Urgent Appeal for the Prioritizing the Protection of Children Amidst Escalating Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Urgent Appeal for the Prioritizing the Protection of Children Amidst Escalating Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ...
“Chocolate for Children, Peace and Security”
Resources for Teachers
Peace is possible, violence is preventable and children must be at the heart of the solutions.
We initiate sustainable and effective approaches to global peace and security.
Our Story
Our work is inspired by the lived experience of our founder, General Roméo Dallaire, Force Commander of the UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda during the 1994 genocide.
Our Approach
We forge relationships, bridging security and humanitarian perspectives and responses, to create a holistic approach to preventing the recruitment and use of children in armed violence.
What’s New
This handbook supports all security-focused organizations engaged in peace operations, including troop-contributing countries (TCCs), host nation military and police, private security companies and national prison services. It provides tactically relevant information based on the Dallaire Institute’s 15 years of experience working directly with the military, police, intelligence and corrections to strengthen operational, strategic and tactical capacities to prevent the recruitment and use of children in armed conflicts and violence..
Our Latest
Check out the latest news on our exciting events, new initiatives and ongoing research. We want to keep you updated on all the ways we are working to move the needle on global peace and security.
The Vancouver Principles
As co-developers and custodians of The Vancouver Principles on Peacekeeping and the Prevention of the Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers, we advise governments and multilateral partners on integrating the Vancouver Principles into security governance.
Where Theory Meets Action
We apply our innovative research to create action-oriented solutions. Recently, we developed a ground-breaking and comprehensive early warning system to engage multi-lateral organizations, security institutions, human rights groups and child protection agencies to sound the alarm on the risk of recruitment of children - a critical warning of impending and large-scale conflicts.