Statement from the Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security on the Situation in South Sudan
As armed violence and conflict continues to escalate in the Upper Nile State in South Sudan, the Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security calls upon all parties to the peace process in South Sudan to prioritize children’s protection as central to achieving lasting peace and security. The recent developments jeopardize the progress achieved in implementing the Revitalized Agreement on Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) and threaten national peace.
The Dallaire Institute understands the history of the recruitment and use of children in South Sudan and the liberation movements. Building lasting peace and security in the country requires breaking cycles of conflict, communal violence, and ending violations against children from all sides of the situation. Demonstrating a commitment to the endorsement and implementation of the Vancouver Principles by the Government of South Sudan is critical to ensuring progress made on this front continues.
The Dallaire Institute believes in the power of dialogue and the need to build trust when working to address the complex realities of the impact of armed conflict and violence upon children. It is for this reason that we call upon the negotiators and mediators of the Tumaini Peace Initiative, the African Union and the signatories of the R-ARCSS to ensure the decisions they take are mindful of the impacts they will have on the children of South Sudan, not just today, but long into the future.
We know that the people of South Sudan love their children and wish to see peace as their legacy for the struggle of independence. The Dallaire Institute is ready to provide support to the peace process. Peace is possible, violence is preventable, and children must be at the heart of the solutions.
Media Inquiries:
Stacey McCarthy
Communications and Public Relations Advisor
Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security
+1 902 210 4038
Major General (Retd) Ferdinand Safari
Director, African Centre of Excellence
Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security