Sanchez King

Lieutenant-Colonel (Retired) Sanchez King joined the Dallaire Institute in 2024 and serves as the Curriculum Development and Integration Advisor.  Prior to joining the Institute, he worked across the security sector, most recently as a training consultant and subject matter expert for the Canadian Army. From 2019 to 2021, he served in the United Nations as a Security Sector Reform Officer for the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen - focused on outreach and engagement, transitional arms control, and security arrangements.

Sanchez served for over 30 years in the Canadian Armed Forces, retiring in 2016.  An Infantry Officer, he specialized in Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and Information Operations. He held various command and staff appointments, serving on operations in Canada and on deployments in Afghanistan and the Middle East. He has extensive experience in the development and delivery of training and has served as a national leader in the development of the CIMIC capability in the Canadian Army.

Sanchez holds a Bachelor of Arts in history (Mount Saint Vincent University) and a Master of Defence Studies (Royal Military College of Canada). He attended various military career courses and is a graduate the Canadian Forces College and the United States Joint Special Operations University.